Current Lab Members

Thorsten R. Mempel, MD
Principal Investigator
Arya Tetali, BS
Research Technician
Meredith Ellis, BS
Research technician
Taylor T. Chrisikos, PhD
Postdoctoral research fellow
Kazuhiro Taguchi, MD PhD
Postdoctoral fellow
Yifang (Ivana) Shui, MS
Staff Scientist
Mohsen Maleh Mir, PhD
Postdoctoral fellow
Jakob Jobst
Medical student
Lukas-Matthaeus Altenburger, PhD
Postdoctoral fellow
Zihan 'Vicky' Jiao
Graduate Student
Jiarui Li
Graduate Student
Michael Kalbfleisch
Medical student
Stefanie Valbon, BS
Visiting graduate student
Nicolas Roehrle
Medical student

Lab Alumni

Role in Lab Current Position
Francesco Marangoni, PhD Instructor Assistant Professor, University of California Irvine
Shariq M Usmani, PhD Instructor Principal Scientist, Sana Biotechnology
Mauro Di Pilato, PhD Postdoctoral Fellow Assistant Professor, MD Anderson Cancer Center
Thomas T Murooka, PhD Postdoctoral Fellow Associate Professor, University of Manitoba, Canada
Christian A Bauer, MD Postdoctoral Fellow Assistant Professor, University of Marburg, Germany
Esteban Carrizosa, PhD Postdoctoral Fellow Senior Scientist, bluebird bio
Edward Y. Kim, PhD Postdoctoral Fellow Senior Scientist, Amgen
Jasper Pruessmann, MD Postdoctoral Fellow Resident in Dermatology, University of Luebeck, Germany
Vinidhra Mani, BS PhD Student Principal, Flagship Pioneering
Leo Shen, BS MS Student PhD Student, Rockefeller University
Natalie M. Claudio, MS Technician Lab Manager, Hewlett-Packard
Bruno Cadilha, PhD Visiting Scientist Associate Director Cellular Therapies, Vector Biopharma, Basel, Switzerland
Tibor Veres, PhD Visiting Scientist Junior Group Leader, University of Turku, Finland
Ayesha Sultan, PhD Visiting Scientist Postdoctoral Fellow, Tufts Medical Center
Maryam Schuebel Visiting Student Medical Student, University of Munich, Germany
Raphael Kfuri-Rubens Visiting Student Master’s Student, Oxford University, England
Martin Thelen, BS Visiting Student PhD Student, University of Cologne, Germany
Paul Schwarzlmueller Visiting Student Medical Student, University of Munich, Germany
Michela Corsini, MS Visiting Student PhD Student, University of Brescia, Italy
Sarah Weischer, MS Visiting Student Microscopy Specialist, University of Muenster, Germany
Ademi Zhakyp, BS Visiting Student PhD Student, Harvard Medical School
Charlene LeBris, BS Visiting Student Web developer, Labforward, Berlin, Germany
Verda Annan Visiting Student Undergraduate Student, Harvard College
Elisa Kodama Visiting Student Undergraduate Student, Northeastern University
Philip Shraybman Visiting Student Undergraduate Student, Georgetown University
Sonia Ghilas, BS Visiting Student Post-doc Olivia Newton John Cancer Research Institute, Heidelbergh, Australia
Teresa Manzo, BS Visiting Student Principal Investigator, European Institute of Oncology, Milan, Italy
Shahin Aliabadi Visiting Student Undergraduate Student, Concord Academy
Myrthe Reiche Visiting Student PhD Student, Amsterdam University Medical Centers, Netherlands